Class #5815

Advanced Straightforward Mat

50 min - Class


Ed Botha delivers an innovative, rhythmic advanced Pilates class that challenges practitioners to move with the pace of their breath. Embracing a dynamic flow, this session creates heat throughout the body, leaving you feeling strong and aligned while offering modifications to suit your individual needs. Through Ed's unique approach, you will explore cutting-edge exercises that push your limits and deepen your practice, all while maintaining a strong connection to your body's capabilities.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Hi. So my name is Ed, and I'm gonna take you through a flow conditioning session. And, it's gonna be about 45 minutes long. So please enjoy. Look after your buddies. And I'll do some modifications along the way if we need them. Alright? So here we go.

So let's start standing tall, feet, hip distance apart, spread of all ten toes, and we wanna start with our arms alongside our legs. Reaching the elbows nice and straight and open across our collar bones. So we're gonna start with our roll down. So we're gonna take a breath in to prepare. And as we exhale, we're just allowing our neck to soften, our thoracic spine, to go into a bit of flexion, but without pushing my shoulder blades forward, I round into my lower back, and I want you to bend your knees for me as we go down into a the bottom of our roll down.

Take a breath in at the Botha, and as we exhale, we start leading up from our lower back, pressing the lumbar gently towards the ceiling, and then restacking the spine. Till we're tall standing and the pelvis sets itself just over the ankle joint. Alright. So what we're gonna do, we're gonna take our right leg, and we're gonna step it just slightly behind us, and we softly pressing on the ball of our foot very gently. Alright. So we're gonna explore a roll down with a single leg. Okay? And what you might feel is a little bit of instability and wobbling, and that's great. Just, embrace it and go with it. So it'll get better as we go along.

So we're gonna take a breath in And as we exhale, again, we start with the softening of the neck, thoracic, lumbar, a bending of the knees, and you'll feel the ankle joint working to stabilize the hip joint. Alright. And inhale and exhale as we restock it. So you're using a lot of the hamstring of that single left leg to build the spine back up tall, and let's do one more on this leg. Inhale. And exhale. Good. So we're using the hamstring e centricly here to stop us from collapsing, the softening of the knee, gets the quadriceps working inhale and exhale as we draw up and back up into tall standing.

Good. So let's change legs. So, again, you don't wanna bring your leg to the center. So try keep it at that hip distance apart, the leg that you're standing on. So we slide the leg back, and we're just very gently putting weight on the ball of our foot. So we take a breath in, and exhale as we go down.

As we soften, letting the neck go. Inhale as we get to the bottom. And exhale as we restock. So just feeling a little bit of flow. We don't have to be too slow and inhale.

So really work with your the pace of your breath and exhale. So I'm already down at the bottom now. Inhale and exhale. As we bring it back up, lovely into tall, standing good, and then we step back. Botha.

So this time, we're gonna take our right leg, and we're gonna reach it back as we bend our left leg slightly, but we're gonna keep our back straight. So have a look. It's like a a little bit of a hinge. So my right leg, I really focus in the straightening of the leg. I'm pushing back through my heel, and I'm keeping my spine upright, and I'm drawing down again. So a very different feeling.

So here, the work is way more on the legs. And in the the muscles of the back as well. And then we bring ourselves back up. We'll do that one more time. Same leg. So we go again. So I'm creating a hinge.

So I don't want too much separation between my rib cage and my pelvis. So my abdominals are active, but I really think about my back leg driving away and staying active. Good. And then we bring it back up to tall standing good. Let's go to the other side. So we're reaching back with a left So I'm creating hinge. Alright. So a little bit of a bend of the right knee. Good. I'm keeping the chest up, but not thrusting the ribs forward.

So I've just got a little bit of back and then bring it back up to standing. Good. And if you can float, be my guest. And, again, so just challenging the balance. And hinge. Good. And bring it back up. Good job. Alright. So we're gonna have a seat on our mats. Awesome.

And so we'll start feet parallel. Bend legs, hands under the thighs, lifting ourselves up tall. So this is kind of a a more traditional Bassy approach to the start of the mat class. And what we're gonna do is we're gonna find our c shape. So I'm gonna press my lower back back but I allow my shoulders to draw over my hip joint and my eyes are lining up just above the knees.

Now from here, I'm gonna allow my hip joint to open, still inflection, of the spine. And I go back only as far as have a look, my arms straightened. So that's where I end, but I'm still holding. So feel free to hold yourself there. So if you got short arms, you're not gonna go back as far lucky. So we're gonna take a breath in and exhale as we come forward.

So we're creasing at the hip joint still inflection, and then we're gonna build the spine back up tall. So we're just gonna do that one more time, and we're going into our c shape. So shoulders over the hip joint eyes more or less just above the knees, and then I'm starting to move back, and I'm going back until my arms are straight. Good. So once my arms are straight, I'm gonna let go. And then I'm gonna draw my feet in slowly so I can set up as I get down to a chest lift position here, my feet are already in my pelvic curl position here, and we'll take the arms Ed.

Rube cages down, palms are facing the ceiling. So from me, I'm gonna reach my arms up to the ceiling. Once I hit the vertical, I start my pelvic curls. I'm peeling my spine off the mat, and I continue with the arms. Pressing the arms down to the sides. And the reason we're pausing those arms is just to get the timing right.

So I start lifting my arms up to the ceiling. And once I hit the vertical, that's where I start rolling the spine and continue with the arms. And that seems to sort out the timing issues when we do this exercise. So we bring the arms up to the ceiling, start your pelvic cool, when you hit your vertical, and rolling all the way up. And lift the arms up to the ceiling. Good.

And then rolling the spine continue with the arms. Good. We'll go one more time. So we go, exhale. Still remember to keep the flexion and inhale and arms. Good last one. So we'll do one more.

So we go arms come up. Tilting, pressing, so we're extending the hips, keeping the legs from splaying, and then the arms come up, spine comes down, arms all the way overhead, Ed a breath in. And from here, we'll go into a 100 preps. I reach my arms to the ceiling, so it's the same action. Except this time, I'm curling the thoracic up off the mat. And then I'm gonna float my arms just to 90 degrees of the shoulder joint.

So not quite to the vertical and then overhead. And again, exhale. So we're lifting and forward and arms up to 90 degrees at the shoulder, and then we go back. And we'll go one more time and exhale. So we find our lift. Good. And then we gotta hold the position here.

Ed the hands behind the head, interlaced the fingers, inhale at the top, exhale as we come down. And inhale, so we're moving into our chest lift, exhale. So pressing gently through all ten toes, particular attention to the big toes or inhale and exhale. So I'm keeping my adductors engaged as I come up and down. And again, exhale Lifting, inhale, and exhale as I go down. And one more time, and exhale up.

And inhale at the top and then exhale as we go back down. So we're gonna do one more chest lift. We'll hold the position, and we'll add a pelvic curl. So we'll take a breath in, Exhale as we come up. So we're coming up finding our chest lift position. Try lift up to your best chest lift.

So from here, we do half a pelvic pull. So I go posterior using the abdominals, hamstrings, and lifting, see if you can get your sacrum up off the mat, bring it back down, release back into neutral, and then we go back down. Cool. We'll do one more time. Inhale and exhale. Lift. And let's go again. Pelvis, lifts up off the mat.

So draw the abdominals. So here, my sacrum is coming right up off the mat. I go back down through the lumber all the way to the sacrum and then down. Good job. Arms out to your tee position. If you don't have enough space, you can go into option of the goal posts. So we'll bring the leg closest to the front.

We're gonna lift up to the tabletop and the other side. We're gonna bring both legs to the front of the room, inhale. So just allowing the feet and the knees to relax and exhale as I draw back to the center. So I'm inhaling, dropping my legs over to the side, and exhale as I bring it back to the center and inhale as I bring the legs over here. So the only prerequisite here for me is that you keep your shoulder blade down and exhale and the ankle bones together and inhale. So keeping the ankle bones and exhale back into our center. Good. Bring your arms alongside your body.

So We'll make it a little bit more difficult. We reach both legs up to the ceiling, try straighten out through the knees, and we'll go into a corkscrew. Alright. So we're gonna slice to the front and then exhale as we circle around and back up the other side. And we slice to the back inhale and exhale. Shush. So a little bit more in the hip flexes now inhale and exhale, quadriceps, and inhale and exhale. And inhale and exhale.

And last one, and inhale and exhale. And back to the center, and we'll hold the legs up. So we're gonna bring everyone's gonna take the left leg down to the mat, boom, plan to flex with the left foot, dorsey flex with the right. Ed for our leg circles. So we're gonna cross our midline.

We're going, inhale and exhale. We'll speed up a little bit. 2, and 3. And 4. 1 more. And 5. Good. And hold. So I'm really thinking about my left leg anchoring pressing down into the mat. And straightening through the right.

So we change our direction so we can inhale. Make sure you cross that midline, exhale. And, 2, and, 3, and 4. Exhale 1 more for 5 and exhale and hold. We'll take a little walk up the back of the leg.

So we've got the calf. We give the leg a little stretch over there. Yep. And then bend the knee and give the knee a little hug. Good. And we'll change legs. Alright. So when I bend my left knee, I still wanna keep my back in its natural position.

Again, plan to flexing with the right. When I reach my right leg, try not to change the shape. Oh, sorry. My left leg, try not to change the shape in your lower back. Flexing at the foot, and let's cross the midline. And we go, inhale, and exhale, and 2, and shoot, and 3, and and 4, and one more, and 5, and and then did still pause and change.

Inhale, and exhale. And 2, and 3, and 4, 1 more, and 5, and pause Let's take a walk up the leg. So just do a quick little stretch there, drawing that leg in. God. Bending the knee. But this time, I'm keeping my chest up.

And I'm gonna bend and bend hands behind the head and into my chest lift with rotation to the front of the room. We go, exhale, and center. And to and Ed and 3 and inhale and 4 without playing the legs. 4, 5. Just focusing on that rotation and 6 shoulder coming up slightly towards the opposite. Hip joint, 7.

And 8, last 2, 9, and center, and 10. And we've got it. We've got our position here. And all the way down, arms, alongside your Botha. Right leg floats up to tabletop, keeping my neutral pelvis.

If I can keep neutral and let the hip go a little bit more into flexion, please do. And then from there, I'm gonna float the opposite heel and change legs and ten times, 2, and 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 using the arms, 7, 8 into the mat, 910. Good. So from here, I'll bring the other leg up, adduct my knees, bring my legs to a tabletop, I'm going to lower both legs keeping the ninety degree angle at my knee, changing the angle at the hip joint, a little tap. I bring the legs up to the tabletop. Now I'm gonna change the hip angle So I draw my knees into the chest.

I'm gonna press into my arms. I do a little bit of a half roll, so I lift my pelvis up. I control back down, tabletop the legs. So we go lower both legs, little tip, arms, sorry, legs up to tabletop, draw the knees in. So I change the angle of my hip joint.

My back will flatten out. I lift up, so I'm doing a little pelvic I bring it back and out. Good. Table top again. So tip, lift, draw the knees, and And oh, good. 2 more times. So we lower the legs.

Lift the legs. Very good. Bring the knees in. Exhale as we roll. And last one, leg lower, lift up, draw the knees in, and up. Take the longest time to come down. Come down.

Slow. Slow. Yes. But you can use a lot of arms. Beautiful. And bringing the legs down. Good job. Alright. So we're gonna adduct our feet and knees.

We're gonna take the arms Ed this time the palms are facing inwards, and we'll start with a modified roll up with bent legs, and the legs will reach out as we get to our chest lift phase. So we go arms up. Chest lift phase. And then we use the legs as a little assist there. And, again, we're coming forward. So you can use any variation of the roll up, but I would like you to try.

Just come a little bit further forward. And not bury your head for this one. So we're gonna take a breath in and exhale as my arms get close to alongside my body. I float them over and up. And inhale and exhale.

She's keeping my scapula stable. So I really have a tendency to push my scapula forward. So I've Botha Think of using the muscles between my shoulder blades a little bit the rhomboids and exhale to keep my scapula stable and arms Ed. And again, inhaling Ed and chest. There and exhale. Awesome. Good.

We're coming forward, inflection, inhale, and exhale as we take it back. And arms over head one more time and inhale, head and chest, and exhale. Shit. So we're peeling the spine up off the mat. And this time, we'll come down to the chest lift position again. So we exhale as we go back. And we hear a chest lift position.

We reach the arms up to the ceiling. Her class wouldn't be complete without a few pulses here. So we're gonna take our chest up towards the ceiling and one, just a little lift. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and we'll do one more roll up. Good job. That's it. Good. And you could use the arms.

If we need to, we can modify any exercise. And let's go back down. And as I'm going down, I'm bending my knees. Arms going Ed. I'm pressing sorry. Palms go up to the ceiling. So I might just scoot down a little bit on my mat.

And from here, we're gonna just bring the arms up towards the ceiling again. Pell the cool up Pressing up, and we are set up for a shoulder bridge prep. So I wanna keep my pelvis stable. So thinking about not dropping, so we're gonna work right and left here without dropping the right leg. Or the right side of my pelvis, I'm gonna float my right leg up to the tabletop and then we lower and just tip. And we go. 2, trying to keep the pelvis consistent 3 in its height.

4 and 5. Good. Then reach the leg up to the ceiling. So we have our full shoulder bridge. So we go, exhale and up and 2. Up, 3, up, 4, up, and 5, and up. Plan to flex.

We just lower the pelvis a little bit. We do 5 hip extensions. So we lift one. 2, 3. I'm also using my arms.

4, 1 more, and 5. Good. Now try keep that stable pelvis as we bring the right leg down Without dropping the left side of the pelvis, we lift the left leg exhale 1. And this is the prep and touche and inhale. 3 and inhale. 4 and in and 5. We reach the leg, and it's exhale.

And up. 2 and up. Just keep the flow. 3 up, 4, up, 5, and up. Beautiful point. The foot will plan to flex, drop the pelvis slightly, and press 1, and 2, there, 3, and 4, and 5. So we keep the leg up to the ceiling. Just drop the pelvis down.

Slide the right leg away. Both hands can come behind the left, and we're in our hamstring pool 1. So softening the elbows, and we wanna move from our hip joint. We double pulse the leg, and change. And 3, and 4, and 5.

6, 7, 10, 8, 9, and hold 10. Hands go behind the head, interlaced fingers, keeping our chest lift, number Ed, 2, 3, 4, 5, moving from the hip joint, and 7, 8, 9, one more. And ten hold. Let's rotate to the vertical leg, double pulse that leg, not the body, and changed. And we rotate 3. At 4, 5, there.

6, 7, 8, 9, and we've got 10. We'll just turn it back to our center. Very good. We've got our chest lift And you thought we're gonna do a neck pull where we are. We are. Alright. But if you need to use your arms, by all means, do. So we're gonna come up inhale at And we're going forward.

So this time, we're going into deep reflection. We're gonna stack the spine back up torque. We're gonna stay on the vertical. We're gonna wrote. What? Simon didn't say. Alright.

He was about to, but he didn't. So we're gonna rotate to the front, man. He's out here. So we just get a little thoracic rotation. And then we go to the back. And then we go back to the center.

So we're staying tall. We're hinging at the hip joint ribs staying, and then we roll back down. So we'll just add that little bit of rotation at the top. And inhale. And yeah. So absolutely use the arms if you need to.

And then stacking up tall. So as we rotate, feel like you grow taller, taller, taller, taller. And there. Rotate. Yes. Good. And back to the center. Find our hinge. And one last one and at good. Beautiful.

And stack up tall. And we go here. And we go Yeah. And we go here. We're gonna pause here. Meny, man. I love the enthusiasm there. Alright.

But what we're gonna do is go into the forward flex position again. Bring your arms alongside your legs. Yes. So have a look what I'm doing. I'm like a I don't know if you can say this, but like a zombie. Alright? And I put my hands' fingers down.

I'm inflection. So if you're very, very flexible, try not to pancake yourself because it's gonna make the exercise almost impossible. And now from here, we're gonna float both legs. So compressions, Right. So if you've ever struggled with forward flexion or the pike position, this is a great exercise to build that forward flexion strength, because we're really stretching, but under with resistance. So from here, we'll start with the right leg. So we go.

1, and left leg, 2, and then both legs. 3. Boom. Yeah. Cool. Okay. So you're you're gonna feel a little sweaty, alright, especially if you had a little workout before, Alright. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna float the legs, and we're gonna do 10 little bounces, little pulses, and put them down. Then we'll shake them loose because they're gonna need a little shake. Alright.

So we're gonna bring their hands down. Yeah. So looking down at your thighs, Yeah. So we draw in through the middle. You're gonna draw in through the quads. We float both legs, and we do 10. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Well, that went well. Alright.

So we'll we'll do one more. Right? So give him a little shake. Yes. Yeah. Bring the hands down again. So just fingers, because I really don't want you to lean too hard on your palms. Keep your shape.

Big scoop. And let's go. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Yeah. Good. So we're gonna do a rollover. Alright? So we'll start on our backs.

So we did half a rollover earlier. We did the when we went into the small ball, very similar. We wanna use the abdominals to get that initial lift up. Alright? So we're gonna start with our legs bent, tabletop the legs, reach them to around 60 degrees, inhale up to 90 at the hip joint, exhale as we lift up and over. Flex the feet, separate, hinging at the hip to take the legs lower. And then from here, we roll the spine down.

Pressing through the palms. Now when we get to vertical legs, we plan to flex and we just bring the legs towards each other. A little tapered position there. Inhale up. Exhale over. Sh legs parallel.

Flex, separate, move from the hip joint to lower. And here here I keep telling myself to keep my legs as straight as possible. So I get the most out of the stretch, plan to flex, bring them together. Inhale, exhale up and over. Flex, separate, and down.

And we're gonna roll. All the way down. Good. And plant deflect. So we're going to go into our scissors. Alright? So if you can, we're gonna support our pelvis.

So you just do the best to get into that position, and then we're gonna sizzle the leg. So but I'll talk us through it. So we're gonna go inhale up to the vertical, exhale as we do our rollover. Right? Now from here, I'm bending my knees. I bring my hands behind me.

I place my hands at the base of my spine towards my pelvis. Now I think of sticking my bun out and I'm dropping my bum over my hands and reaching my legs up to the ceiling. So from here, I'm gonna take my right leg away, my left leg forward, double post, and to the center. 2, and 3, 4, pump, and 5, 6, 7, sh, 8, 9, 1 more, and 10. Good. Now from here, we're gonna bend the left leg and see if you could take that leg to the ground and land up in a shoulder bridge again.

Tuh. There we go. Beautiful bend there, the leg. Take a breath in, and then slowly we roll our spine down. Alright. We take our feet and late knees together.

Arms Ed. And we'll do a roll up to bring us up to sitting. So we're coming up inhale. And here, I'm gonna just lengthen my legs out. Beautiful all the way forward. And from here, we're gonna cross our legs similar to a crab, and that's gonna bring us onto the hands and knees.

Alright. Now we're talking. Okay. So We're gonna do our cat stretch three times. So I have my shins pressing down into the mat. My hands are under my shoulders.

I've got a neutral spine. I start going into a pelvic tilt, posterior, find lumbar flexion, spine responds, feels good, pressing the back up to the ceiling, return back through neutral, pelvis can stick around in neutral thoracic, can extend chest going forward. And then back into our straight line, and we repeat. We got pelvis tilts. And then back through the straight line, thoracic extends. And back in and pelvis.

And that ends up in lumber. A little bit of thoracic. It's a response. And then bring it back and up. Extend.

And back into neutral. Good. So from her wheels, take the right leg out. Very slow. We wanna be controlled. We don't wanna move around. Left leg comes out.

And yeah. So we're gonna do our push up, 2 push ups, and then we're gonna walk back starting with the right arm. So we're gonna go, if you can, well, you can stay there for a second while I talk. Alright. I want our push ups to go all the way to the ground, all the way up. It doesn't matter what it looks like. Yeah. Yep. So you don't have to have a stiff spine. If you can, please do. Alright? But I'd rather focus on the full shoulder range.

So from here, we go all the way down. Alright. And I'm gonna do a bendy one to come up just to show you. So if even if you do this, I'd prefer that today. Alright? Love it. Okay. So let's do 2 push ups. So we go.

1, nah. And up. And on the next one, we walk right on first. So we go down. We lift up pelvis. We're going 1, 2, and we roll up.

Good. So when we go down, we're gonna go right arm, left arm, place. Yep. So roll down. All the way. Right on. Left place. 2 push ups. Left arm will walk. 1.

And up, left arm, right arm, and yes. Good. Yeah. It's good to change. It's good to change in And I'll just take care of your shoulder, man. Ian Ross. When I get to here, I'm going left.

So when we go down, we need a bit of a bigger step, the first step to get us into position, and we go again. Down and up and down and lift, and it's right. Lift and up. Boom. Good. Right down again. And exhale.

And we got 1, 2, 3, 5. Last one, we go down and up and touch the chest and up and lift the left side. We're going 1, to and up. It's good. We gotta still get down there and exhale and lift. 1, 2. And we're there.

And this time, we go up stretch, leg closest to the front of the room, so my right. So I'm not sure which front you've been using, but my right is gonna step forward. Alright. Mary, I did promise the stretch. So the foot of the front leg and the knee is gonna point out to the side. So we're going to a bit of external. The same arm as the front leg elbow goes to the heel.

So we're dropping into this position. It's glorious. Then from here, we're going to rotate. So I bring my foot back to neutral. I rotate to the bent leg.

Duh. Try rotate from your spine, not from your arm. So use your spine. Bring your hand to the inside of your foot and then rotate away. There. Yes. This is the awkward side always.

Bring your hands back, one on either side of your foot. We flex the front foot, straightening the knee as much as you can, lifting the chest, sticking the tailbone out slightly. And then we bend the front knee. So try to get your knee even if you have to adjust your back leg, your knee over your ankle, and we lift into the high lunge. And we'll just hold for 5.

Okay. Nice and low. 4, 3, 2, and bring the hands down. We're gonna step forward. Bom opposite leg. So I reach back. Good. I turn out with my hip and my knee and my foot same elbow goes to that heel. So you're dropping into we're getting this adductor opening, hip extensor opening.

Then we turn towards the bent leg. So I just adjust my foot back to the front. I rotate through the thoracic. I feel like you're becoming longer. Good. Then I'm gonna bring my hand to the inside of my foot.

I reach and open up. Again, thinking of length and rotation, not necessarily shoulder, bringing the hands back to either side, flexing the front foot, sitting bones, sending them back. Bending the front knee. I'm just gonna adjust my back foot as well, and then we come up into our high lunge. And we'll just hold for 543 2, and hands come down. Good.

So we'll step out into front support for me. The boom. Chest is open. I bring my knees in 1, 2. And I come up onto tall kneeling. Okay.

So we'll turn if you can face me. So we're gonna go into our sidekick kneeling. Alright? So we can be very light with the weight that you're placing on your hand. Alright? We're gonna bring the arms out to the t position, and I'll have everyone going to my right, so your left side. Yep. We're only doing 5. Alright. So from here, we're gonna reach the leg out to the side, Place your hand in a comfortable position here. Alright.

Other hand behind your head, a, b, ducting the hip, and we're gonna bring the leg forward. Kick kick and back to back. 3 back. 4 back. 1 more. 5 and back. Hold the leg out to the side.

Now try just get a little bit of weight off your hand. So you're moving yes towards the legs. I press the pelvis further forward. That's it. And then bring the leg down, and we can come up. Great.

Other side. So we reach out. Let's bring the arms to a tee. We're gonna find comfortable placement of this hand and shoulder. You can bring the leg up hand behind your head.

Good. Try bring the pelvis forward. And kick, kick, and back 2, back 3, 4, back 1 more, 5, back back. Then hold the leg out in line with us. Now remember, we're trying to get some weight off our hand, bring our pelvis forward so we open our hips as we do that and down. Good. And you can come out of that. Good job.

And rags. Perfect. So we're gonna go prone. So we go lying on our bellies. And we've got our arms alongside our Botha. Palms facing inwards.

Open across the chest, head is just hovering. So we're gonna inhale into a small extension. So I'm allowing my lower ribs to press forward, and I'm coming up into this basic back extension. Excel. And, again, email and Excel. And email.

Reaching the fingers towards the ankles and exhale and inhale and exhale one more time. And in hold, bring your arms out to a tee. So airplane arms. Good. Then we're gonna do five little lifts. So we just bring the arms up. 1.

It's just floating. 2. 3, 4, and 5. Her'd bend the elbows, bring the hands under the shoulders, and we'll just press ourselves up. On to our forearm.

So I move my elbows a little bit forward. So I'm in my single leg kick position. So here I wanna draw my elbows towards my pelvis, and my pelvis is pressing forward towards my elbows. Really focusing on the extension of the upper back. Engage the hips.

Lift the legs. Nice straight knees. We'll start with the leg closest to the front and, dah, dah, dah, exhale. So inhale. Exhale. Good. In out. In out in, out, and both legs can go along.

So from here, we're gonna press the palms down over here there. Tuck the toes under. So we've Botha change our thinking now. So from extension, we're gonna draw the ribs in, tighten the thighs and press up into this front support position here, plan to flex the right foot, leg pool front. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and change. And 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. We can lower the pelvis again, and and we're gonna slide the arms out and end up in the swimming position. So reach.

And my head is looking to the mat. So I'm in neutral with my neck, lifting the right arm, left leg, left arm, right leg, and then we go up to 3, 4, 5, into. 5 and out, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 8, 5 and out, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8. 5 and out, 2, 3, 4, 5, and hold. Good. Keep the hold. Bring your forearms down, and we're gonna push back around through the rest position, all the way, bringing our backside to our heels, eyes, looking down to stretching through the lats, and then we're gonna bring the legs through.

So I'm just gonna step through setting up into the teaser prep. Teaser 1, teaser 2, teaser 3. Yeah. So let's do that. Alright? So a great way to get us finished. Close unfinished.

Not quite there. Okay. So we'll bring the legs 1 and 2. So the arms are reaching back So we're thinking about our back now from here. We're gonna lengthen the legs and lift the arms up. And we exhale. So we'll just do three t's at once and flow. So don't be afraid to get a little bit of flow through it as long as there's articulation and there. And, again, down and up.

And then we're gonna stay up at the top and then five t's at 2. So we just lower the legs and lift one. And 2, and 3, and 4. And then 5. Good. Now everything can just hover except the head and up and lift and, and up. Yes. Good. And we go again and up. Yeah. Good. Hold at the so let's rotate towards the front slightly there and center and to the back and center. Alright.

Lower both legs parallel. Just make sure you have some traction. So I've Botha scoot back a little bit, and we go into our back support position here. So hands go behind. So if you can fingers facing in or out or, you know, I always have to remind myself, I've had a wrist surgery.

So I go on my knuckles for this. It just keeps my wrist straight. So we're gonna hinge up, opening across the chest, and then we hinge back down. And up in. And next one, leg pull back. So we go up. So we'll all do right leg first. 5 pulls.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and left side. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Good. Take a breath in. Hinge down. Good. We'll finish with our seal puppy, so we're gonna move towards our feet here.

I'm going under. Under the knee over the foot, under the knee over the foot, and lifting. So I'm using my arms. I'm pulling my legs in, and I'm trying to fight this rounding of the back that's happening. So we'll roll on to our shoulders.

We'll do our 3 hip opening taps and tap at the top again. So we go backwards. 1, 2, 3, up. 1, 2, 3, back. 1, 2, 3, up. 1, 2, 3, back. 1, 2, 3, up. 1, 2, 3, pause. So we're going to come up to standing after the next one. So what I recommend is do the 3 taps come forward, no taps, cross your legs, and push yourself up to standing, or just come up to standing.

By any means necessary. Okay? So we're gonna roll back 1, 2, 3, cross the legs. And you can clean sheet. Alright. So we all face the front again, arms alongside our bodies. Beautiful.

And we're gonna finish with a roll down, so we'll take our breath in. And exhale. Just allowing everything to unravel again, bending the knees, tension out of the back, the neck. Inhale. K. I'm just leading up through the lower back all the way up. One more time, deep breath in, and exhale.

And inhale. And exhale. Yeah. God. I didn't find your placement. So I tend to push a little bit forward. I know I'm just bringing my pelvis back.

Thank you so much, everyone. Good job. Well done.


3 people like this.
Hi Ed! I am so thrilled to see you back at PA. I am still doing your workouts from past years! Welcome back.
2 people like this.
What a wonderful class! I was just wishing for more Ed Botha classes!  I love the details, the setup, the intelligent sequencing, and the calm and precise cues. I hope more classes with Ed are in the works!
Julieann B
2 people like this.
I don't say this lightly but this class is a thing of beauty. Pure perfection..😍😍😍
I am so glad Ed is back- his workouts are so well thought out and smooth, there is no boredom there. This one is advanced due to a few exercises but still manageable because of always excellent instructions and flow!
Very nice and great presentation! Thank you! Happy holidays!
Brunna C
1 person likes this.
What an awesome class Ed! I love all the transitions. Your classes are always challenging and flow beautifully. Such a well thought out class. Will be using this one for my clients. You're the best!
Thank you Ed!
1 person likes this.
Loved this one, Ed! So glad to see you back on PA, especially with a 50 min mat class. Great total body workout - especially the pushups all way to the ground.  I was skeptical at first, yet surprised myself that I could do it!
Maple C
1 person likes this.
Thank you, Ed! It felt like a Christmas gift to see your new classes on PA! :) I appreciate all of your cues; they help deepen my practice and understanding of the exercises. Thanks again!!!
Just what I needed today Ed! Thank you SO much for your wonderful class!
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