Foot Fitness<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 856

Foot Fitness
Niedra Gabriel
Class 856

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tanta "roba"!!!!So many ideas to do!!!txs a lot!!
Ann S
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Thank you Niedra...The importance of the feet is often overlooked. You have given me some new techniques to challenge my feet and my clients too!
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Felt great!
Very nice and useful!
It' s very fun to walk around the room with the magic circle :D
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Awesome! Been working with (strong) clients that are quite humbled by standing balance work. This helps me to help them tremendously. Thanks a bunch Niedra!!
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Thank you. I so need this.
Niedra Gabriel
I LOVE feet and am fascinated by how complex they are. So glad you all enjoyed this foot fitness class.
Margaret V. D
Thank you Niedra. I totally enjoyed the foot workout and I have clients who could really benefit from it!
Niedra Gabriel
Good to read this Margaret, I hope your clients benefit from this work.
VERY helpful ! Many thanks.
1-10 of 17

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