Day 1: Creative Variations<br>Delia Buckmaster<br>Class 5311

Day 1: Creative Variations
Delia Buckmaster
Class 5311

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Thank. you Delia - lots of nice content and interesting variations to wake up the body and mind ( plus a sneaky teaser section!).

Patricia C
Thank you ! Great class to start the week 🌻
Lina S
Nice class. I don't have a pole. I've used a flex band for most of the exercises. I've enjoyed the sideline work as well as the boomerang.
I definitely enjoyed this class - especially your combination and your creativity with the original Pilates exercises. Thank you so much Delia!
Excellent class
Excellent class. Love your variations with the pole. See you tomorrow !
Loved the Spine Stretch Forward with the bar under the toes.
Beatriz L
Always a great workout, Delia. Thank you!
Paige L
Loved this class! I used a yoga strap and kept it taut for the majority of the exercise. For the side lying series, the overball came in handy. 
Michelle F
Thank you so much Delia, what an amazing class to open a tight body. I feel completely refreshed after this class!
1-10 of 28

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