Day 1: Creative Variations<br>Delia Buckmaster<br>Class 5311

Day 1: Creative Variations
Delia Buckmaster
Class 5311

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Thank U 👍🇩🇰
Anna B
Fantastic class, Delia! Thank you so much. I appreciate the creativity and I feel like I got a thorough work out in a modest amount of time. I don't have a maple pole so I used the dowel from my split pedal Exo Chair and although it's slightly shorter, worked perfectly with these exercises. Looking forward to the next class already.
Cynthia L
Excellent class!  Thank you, Delia! 
Great class and variations! I did not have a pole but used a combination of a Theraband and hand weights which worked great.
Fantastic class! So excited to see a new series from you.  I used a  theraband as a substitute for the pole. A towel would work well too.
Thank you so much for this excellent class
excellent class, thank you - lovely flow and pace, strength and ease combined.
Beth M
Love this! Thank you :)

Always love yr class Delia🥰
Always love yr class Delia🥰
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