Hip Pathologies and Pilates<br>Brent Anderson<br>Workshop 1008

Hip Pathologies and Pilates
Brent Anderson
Workshop 1008

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Ted Johnson
@Geraldine Creaner - I see you were trying to watch the HD 1080p resolution version on an iPad. Sometimes watching the full HD version on an iPad does not work due to limitations with the technology. Please try clicking on either the "Medium" or "Low" resolution options under the video. I just tried it on my iPad and those resolutions played well.
Hi Ted do we get any educational points for purchasing this premium workshop?
Ted Johnson
@Jo - No, you don't get continuing education credits from the PMA for this particular workshop.
Fantastic Workshop, I found that I wanted more and would love more info on the spiralling and rhythm of the bones.... As a pilates instructor and now a full time student studying exercise physiology, I find this connection between structure, function and pilates awesome... MORE with BRENT PLEASE! Thanks
Fabulous workshop Brent. I am an ex dancer, now a Pilates Instructor who has had a THR so this information is a revelation as I try to help others to avoid long term hip issues. (Some of my class members were concerned about the little lambs though!)
Hi Alison, i know the lamb story can be a little grusome but it did teach us how important movement is to have healthy cartilage. Hope to meet you some day soon.
As a riding instructor as well as pilates, I have been using this sense of spirals and rhythms since training for Polestar studio. Applying it to my horse riding clients has had a dramatic effect to their position, both balance and alignment and they have happy horses, as do I! Thanks Brent.
Brent, thankyou again for a wonderful workshop. Can you answer me this...if your structure is such that your bone rythyms cause you to be knock kneed and corrective exercise is not successful is that due to incorrect exercise prescription or that the structure is set? or both? or have I missed something?
Hello S Keane, the arthrokinimatics aka bone rhythms are present no matter what your anatomical structure and even knock kneed people might find improved efficiency of movement if they can be helped to understand the bone rhythms. By bones moving in opposite directions at a joint it actually will improve their alignment. I would love to discuss this more. I will be teaching a course on this very topic for three days in Minneapolis this weekend. I hope to meet you some day and thanks to Pilates Anytime for making it possible to share.
Brent, love your workshops and the clear way you explain things. I'm thankful to be able to view them on Pilates anytime. I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future and hope you will be presenting at the upcoming PMA in October
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