Pole System Tower<br>Cara Reeser<br>Class 1048

Pole System Tower
Cara Reeser
Class 1048

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it is awesome!!!
Cara, your cues are superb. Learned so much today and would love to see more!
Wonderful class Cara!!
Thank you Jessica and the rest. I have a new tower class coming up soon. I am always glad to hear from you all.
Thank you Cara!!! I can't wait until the new tower class is available to watch, I look forward to seeing more of you on PA!!
Thank you Cara. I enjoyed the incorporation of the 1-10 theme throughout the workout. I agree that I haven't seen the water skier done very often and have never seen the walkout. The single 'standing' foot exercises on the push thru bar are very challenging and I look forward to trying with my advanced students. Colitis is what I call it as well! Thanks again.
WOW!! loved watching you teach, your use of words/images is superb- a perfect blend of wisdom and humor.You are very inspiring. Can't wait to learn more from you. Thank you Cara!
Beautiful! Loved the continued movement of the program combined with the perfect transitioning. Excellent cueing . I loved it .
Gosha McClung
Thank you so much, amazing work, wonderful teaching...learned so much..love your energy!
Cara I LOVE LOVE LOVE your routines and teaching style!!! I hope you still take private clients because when I'm in Colorado later this year I want to work with you!!
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