This was so informative - I learned many things I will use for myself as a runner and cyclist and also for my athletic Pilates clients. I will be seeking out more training opportunities with Rael!
I love your teachings! I own a Pilates studio in Miami which is a city with lots of triathletes (mostly men) I have been trying to make them understand how IMPORTANT and crucial is it for their performance to add Pilates to their training. It still hard to bring them to the studio (and that's why I did "Pilates for men" first) but once they come and start, understand and feel the power of true Pilates, WOW! it's "Epiphanies for them", and to be able to witness and be part of that, has no price! Thank you again! for an incredible workshop!
Thank you for watching this workshop Emily. I am delighted you found it helpful. I wish you all the best as you continue training and preparing athletes for their chosen activities.
Susan, please contact to check if this workshop is eligible for PMA CEC's. I know at some point it was but they may not have been renewed. Thank you for your interest.
Susan ~ This workshop does have CECs available. After you complete the workshop, you can take and pass the quiz to retrieve your certificate. I hope you enjoy it!