Matapalooza Magic Circle<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 1065

Matapalooza Magic Circle
Niedra Gabriel
Class 1065

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Lots of fun and great exercises!
Niedra Gabriel
Great Sherry, glad you had fun.
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Beautiful class !!!
1 person likes this.
Love your classes Niedra! Very inspiring and fun!
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Loved this class!
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Good class...would like to see more with the magic circle.
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Thank You for a Super fun class and I'm actually looking forward to the thigh soreness I know is coming :)
Niedra Gabriel
Just reading all these comments - thank you and glad you enjoyed this fast quick and fun event we all enjoyed doing together.
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Thank you, Niedra! I'm enjoying a lot your Pilates classes.
Niedra Gabriel
How great to read your comment here Marianela, I feel like it was just yesterday you were driving me to the airport - it was! So happy you are enjoying this website - welcome to other part of my life, Pilates!
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