Neck Release Tutorial<br>Cathleen Murakami<br>Tutorial 1224

Neck Release Tutorial
Cathleen Murakami
Tutorial 1224

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2 people like this.
Loved the scalenes stretch!! Usually its hard to get all people in a group class to feel them. Thanks!!
Yeong Cheol C
1 person likes this.
Brilliant! Thank you :)
1 person likes this.
So nice! Thank you Cathy!
1 person likes this.
I have done Kit Laughlin's neck release too, but I love the gentleness of this one. Scalenes feel great!
Cathleen Murakami
@Anna Achilleos & yeongcheoi choi & Julie Ashworth & Anna Satterfield & Pamela Lessenberry....THANK YOU THANK YOU....necks can be vulnerable yet so troublesome.....would love to hear how your clients do as well if you are a teacher.....
I'm in Europe now so will be doing these on the plane ride home soon!
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I hold so much tension in my neck and this was fantastic! Definitely adding this into my morning exercises. I even tweaked my neck yesterday and couldn't turn my head, this fixed it! Thank you :)
Cathleen Murakami
@ Marisa...Awesome!! Glad it helped you out.
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Wonderful ! feels great ! Thank you !
Cathleen Murakami
@ Jitka - Yay! Isn't it great when your neck feel released? ahhhhh
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