Neck Release Tutorial<br>Cathleen Murakami<br>Tutorial 1224

Neck Release Tutorial
Cathleen Murakami
Tutorial 1224

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1 person likes this.
amazingly effective!
Cathleen Murakami
Thanks, Julie Ashton.....neck releasing always feels so good!
2 people like this.
Loved! I have been wondering just how to release the scalenes and this really hit the spot! Thank you!
Cathleen Murakami
Yipeee! So glad you found relief! Thanks for saying so!
1 person likes this.
Loved this tutorial, thank you! Scalene release was new for me and the other two great cues!!
Cathleen Murakami
Awesome, Lisa....always nice to keep our neck feeling pliable and tension free!
1 person likes this.
Recently had upper back and neck stiffness for a few days and this has sorted it quicker than an expensive massage I had! thanks so much!
Cathleen Murakami
Thanks, Jenny if you do these semi regularly, they make a huge difference - especially if you've been flying on a plane or at a computer too much!
Perfect after a day at the desk, thanks! :)
Can anyone recommend other tutorials for the neck, in particular releasing the neck during practice? I always seem to get too much tension in there...
Scalene treat!!! Perfect for office desk jockeys to do several times a day!
11-20 of 23

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