Quick Foam Roller Flow<br>Lisa Hubbard<br>Class 1287

Quick Foam Roller Flow
Lisa Hubbard
Class 1287

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Wow! What a difference between my two sides. I knew they were different, but what an eye opener. And such simple moves too. I loved the layering as when the exercises became more challenging, I knew what was coming. The swan dive on the foam roller was awesome. Who knew you could do swan dive in slow motion and really feel such wonderful extension. Thank you!
Lisa Hubbard
Beautiful mentions of the work Nadya~ I admire your experience and appreciate the comments! Thank you :)
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I love this foam roller video. It makes you feel wwoderful!Thank you, Lisa.
Lisa Hubbard
CADM: I love the foam roller, too! It is the best…thank you and Happy New Year!
Maggie L
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Great 15 minutes of simple and to-the-point torso stretching. Great if you don't want to sweat but need to break up time seated at a desk.
Lisa Hubbard
Thank you Maggie, yes great quickie without the sweat and a needed shower
Any plans for classes using the recently introduced MOTR, by Balance Body?
HI Gary, As of now we do not have any plans to introduce the MOTR, just yet. We know many people are enjoying it, but we do not have plans to bring it in just yet.
Carina H
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Great class Lisa. I love your way of teaching and taking one through the class. :) Thank you
Lisa Hubbard
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Very appreciated Carina, thank you so much! I truly enjoy this platform that reach so many like-minded practioners like yourself. Much love!
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