Work Smarter Not Harder<br>Shelly Power<br>Workshop 1290

Work Smarter Not Harder
Shelly Power
Workshop 1290

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3 people like this.
Thanks so much for bringing more of the Polestar educators to PilatesAnytime! Very much appreciated! Miami is so far away from NH! :)
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I have a CSCS from NSCA. Do these CEU transfer to NSCA?
Lisa ~ At the moment we only have CECs for the PMA available. Sometimes different organizations will allow you to petition to get workshops approved for CECs. I recommend contacting NSCA to see if they will do that for this workshop.
2 people like this.
Just wonderful information! I particularly liked the scarecrow piece and how you explained moving from the humerus in the socket rather than the shoulder girdle. I would love another shoulder mechanics workshop here on PA! Thanks for a terrific workshop!
3 people like this.
Wonderful workshop! There is so much to learn and explore, - I will have to watch the videos several times! Nevertheless, I envy everybody there in the room for the script! CouldnĀ“t you offer a download for that paper - for some additional cost? I often feel that we are missing some information by just looking at parts of the workshop.
thank you anyway!!
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WOW, my rib cage DOES move segmentally into thoracic extension! I have NEVER felt thoracic extension like that, that progression really helped. I felt like I was destined to be the girl that would never segtimentally extend, breakthrough! :)Thank you for all your wonderful insights.
Are we limited to the number of times we view the workshop ? does paying for it mean we can download it rather than view it via the internet?
Diane ~ When you purchase a workshop, you can take as long as you like to watch it, and you can watch it as many times as you want. There is no limit. We don't have a feature that allows you to download our videos, so you will still need an internet connection to view the workshop. I hope you enjoy it!
any possibility of getting the handouts that went with this workshop?
Martha "Mars" Hart ~ Unfortunately we don't have handouts for this workshop.
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