Profound! Thank you, Wendy! New favorite class to add! For years I've known about the waterfall down the back ... but, down the back, down the legs all the way to my feet was an image that just transformed everything for me! At last!!! I think I'm starting to get what all this business is supposed to feel like! :)
I have watched the session three times now each time gets better. Having looked at Anatomy trains theory I now feel a greater understanding of its relationship to my teaching of Pilates.really well done,love the laughter
thank you so much, Mirian, Heikki, Yugonda and Steven, for your great feedback. It was very special being with your great energy, Heikki! We are building awareness of the deep intelligence of our body in relationship with the gravitational field, and how that informs how we do an exercise so that it grows us instead of keeping us stuck in cultural beliefs. It is a very profound conversation which grows us physically, mentally and emotionally on every level. This is very different than "just doing an exercise one way" which keeps us stuck in performing movements, rather than inner awareness of how we move and can help ourselves. There's more to stay tuned!
thank you, you know, you can only recognize what you can embody yourself! I'm glad you got value from the was so much fun to be with these inspiring teachers!
thank you, you can see, when we move with an internal support of breath, and gravity as a partner, we can let go of abdominal gripping and sense deeper rotation.....this awareness allows us to get a FABULOUS fascial release from foot to head and hand - a whole body massage while moving!