Diane & Susan on Ron<br>Diane D. & Susan S.<br>Discussion 1315

Diane & Susan on Ron
Diane D. & Susan S.
Discussion 1315

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Loved this.  I wish I had known Ron Fletcher.
Isabela D
I really loved to hear about Ron and how much he really touched each of your life. I think it was beautiful to see how much he really cared for the individual and the practice. I also can see the impact he had on others and how much he influenced the pilates work.
Cara L
The way you both spoke about Ron was very inspiring as a mover, dancer, and becoming a Pilates instructor. The work is as meaningful as you make it, and I can see the impact Ron had on you, as well as how it translates to the rest of us in the studio. 
Natalia C
This was absolutely lovely, it was so touching, educational, and inspiring to hear you two talk about Ron Fletcher. It is so incredible to see what a great teacher can do and I feel grateful to be learning from you Diane. It was also nice to learn a little bit more about Ron and the relationship he had with his students and the presence he carried. 
Gianna  A
These are such special stories, it goes to show the importance of mindful movement for not only physicality but for longevity mentally and spirituality
Anna H
I loved hearing all the stories and different experiences that you shared! The consistency in the practice  and the true respect that each person shared for pilates, really stood out to me during this discussion. Something that I loved hearing is that pilates is a "movement experience". It changes your mindset to why you do it for yourself!
Katie W
As a dancer, it was lovely to hear these stories about Ron and how he impacted both of you within your dance and life experiences. I appreciate hearing more about Ron's personality and practices and feel it helped me connect to the intention and integrity of the Pilates practice. The comments about having "life in stillness" and Pilates being a "movement experience" were beautifully put.
Isabella G
Thank you for sharing these stories with us; I loved hearing about Ron’s emphasis on making movement meaningful and intentional. As a dancer, that idea really resonated with me and added a new layer to how I will approach my own Pilates practice going forward.
Ashley O
This was such an inspirational discussion . thank you for sharing your experiences and providing some insight to the meaning behind all of this. It really has made me feel inspired and so thankful I get to do this work and excited to eventually teach and share the full body , breath and mind experience with others
Solana M
Thank you for sharing this, this discussion was so inspirational. I really loved hearing about Ron and your experiences with him. I wish I could have learned from him as well and am so grateful to have learned some of his teachings and philosophy from Diane. 
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