Standing Stretch Out Strap®<br>Ken Gilbert<br>Class 1335

Standing Stretch Out Strap®
Ken Gilbert
Class 1335

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Fantastic! Love the neck pull work especially. Just what my shoulders needed today.
Simply Beautiful !! Thank You Ken Gilbert :)
So great to take class with you again Ken! Just like old times!
WOW! An amazing workout and education. I felt light as a feather and relaxed after finishing this short effective session. Thank you, Ken, for sharing your expertise with us!
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I don´t know if I have told you lately, but I love Pilates Anytime! I don´t know how I would do without it! Thank you! :)
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Couldn't agree more, Heikki :) Wonderful shoulder work, thank you Ken Gilbert!!!
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Wonder-ful! Really, Ken, even this was very challenging, I felt so much better in my hurting shoulder afterwards! Maybe the "shoulder-forward" makes all the difference, - in addition to the help of the band.. I loved it and will spread the news!
One little thing, - for next time-, please speak a little slower for those overseas coming from a different language.
Thank you so much!
I love hearing about your experiences! I am encouraged to continue in my exploration of what I am interested in: the four halos of the Core: at the Pelvis, Diaphragm, Shoulder (Chest) + Eyes (Head). The outer tips of the shoulder blades brought forward while lifting the sternum and resting the rib cage on the diaphragm allows the erectors of the spine to work with dynamic ease.
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Silke . . . thank you for your suggestion about speaking slower. I travel internationally (South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Italy) and must remember to slow down when is am speaking to anybody not familiar with my teaching. Thank you.
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