Standing Stretch Out Strap®<br>Ken Gilbert<br>Class 1335

Standing Stretch Out Strap®
Ken Gilbert
Class 1335

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Lovely workout. Thank you.
Yeong Cheol C
Excellent! Will use your cues to help clients connect with side to side on the short box
Deborah . . . side bending - lateral flexion - takes practice. I realize, for myself, that the side bending is essential to create spine undulation. Let me know how this goes for you!
Had to improvise with a Theraband, this class has given my ribs and thoracic spine a freedom it hasn't felt in a while, my breath feels completely freed. Really enjoyed the class!
Harmony . . . the Theraband is a great tool; different from the Stretch Out Strap in focus and intention through the body. Each serves the body. In my experience the SOS puts the body's focus in the ligaments, muscle and myofascia; the Band put the focus into the tendons and muscle. Good to hear about your thoracic spine + ribs along with your breath!
Wow, loved it. Amazing for shoulders. Some bits hard to follow with the breathing, but it'll be easier next time I do this. Thank you. I never bore of pilates. It always teaches me something new.
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Karen . . . glad to hear from you. The breathing will make sense with repetition. I am still amazed that I had full range of motion 3 months out of rotator cuff surgery.
Hi Ken,
I loved this practice. I fell last year and hurt my shoulder. I have had some therapy. However, this class helped me see that I need to work on my shoulder more. I have done two of your tutorials too (spine articulation and shoulder girdle). I will do this class again to try to grasp the idea about spreading the shoulder blades. It felt great, but I am not sure I quite understood. Thank you!
Elizabeth . . . good to hear from you. I would love to coach you on the concerns that you have. If you have an iPhone we can talk on Facetime; if not, on Skype and I can share with you how to access the widening of the shoulder blades. Let me know when you are available - email me: . . .
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