Creative Mat Variations<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 1572

Creative Mat Variations
Niedra Gabriel
Class 1572

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I've spent two weekend's coach surfing. My neck and shoulders thank you!
1 person likes this.
oops...couch surfing!
2 people like this.
Awesome stretches,love that she uses props in a creative manner.....
love how she teaches,explain in complete detail of each movement...
Excellent body wareness........Very good........
love the tone of her voice.....
Another home run! Thanks Niedra!
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you ladies, I always enjoy reading your comments and getting a concept of what you like and what you want. It helps me create the filmed videos with you in mind.
Keep on working.
1 person likes this.
Love this class, Niedra, and my clients in Egypt are thanking you dearly for these beautiful shoulder stretches :)
LOVE the release work!!! Thank you SO MUCH! My hips, legs, neck, and shoulders are like new!!
Niedra Gabriel
thank you ladies, very happy you felt better from this work.
Very creative moves. Thank you so much. So nice that someone still uses props. Great workout.
Excellent stretches and workout. Very much enjoy. Thank you
1-10 of 22

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