Creative Mat Variations<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 1572

Creative Mat Variations
Niedra Gabriel
Class 1572

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Niedra Gabriel
So glad you both enjoyed this class. It is nice to explore variations to stimulate the body and mind ( and spirit).
Joseph Pilates has been called "the genius of the body", and that's indisputable. I consider Niedra another "genius of the body"!
Thank you that was great!
great creative workout!
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you all for your posts - JC, I am blown away, hard for me to know how to respond, that is quite a compliment, and yes, that is my passion, figuring out the inner workings of the body!
I see that two of you are in the UK, and I will be there teaching in August, you can sign up for my mailing list on, if you wanted the data directly.
love your knowledge of the body. creative and precise! thanks for the lesson!
Niedra Gabriel
Hello Nedra - I had to check up on you as our names are so close - something that has not turned up for me before. You sound like an amazing lady - thank you for your comment, I am so happy you enjoyed the class.
A lovely tone of voice, relaxing to begin with. Lovely stretches, making use of basic equipment.
Niedra Gabriel
Glad you enjoyed the class Marie.
Love the moves, love your explaining and definantly love the way you se things fun and as a self awerness moment! Beautiful
11-20 of 22

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