Active Hamstring Stretch<br>Amy Havens<br>Tutorial 1800

Active Hamstring Stretch
Amy Havens
Tutorial 1800

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Great piece Amy!
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perfect explanation for someone that doesn't have a fitness background or instructor training :)
Thank you Amy!
big difference!
Thankyou, very good.
Thanks All! Keep it up!! :)
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i felt immense pain/discomfort in the back of my knees...also my shoulder/neck area was tense while trying to hold onto my leg...
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Pilates first response in reading this is.....and if I would have been in person with you I would have said, "stop---if you feel pain, stop". Stretching past comfort level can be uncomfortable, but pain----in my book----isn't great to work through. Regarding the neck and shoulder tension......this could maybe be avoided by bending the elbows a little bit (if you weren't). Again, without seeing your form in person, I can really speak to what you may have been experiencing. One suggestion if you were to try this active hamstring stretch series again would be to use a yoga strap/belt maybe to allow for a bit of leverage with your arm support and holding of your leg. You may be able to approximate your shoulder position easier for less tension in your neck and shoulders.
I'd suggest that apart from a yoga strap/belt (or a folded stretch band) you use a couple of head cushions to prop you up and ease the neck strain.
Yes, I agree too Lena.....
1-10 of 26

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