Exploring the Hip Joint<br>Shelly Power<br>Tutorial 1801

Exploring the Hip Joint
Shelly Power
Tutorial 1801

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Kathleen M
Thanks Shelly, I love learning about the hip as it's a troublesome spot for me as well as many clients. Can't wait to try the pelvic tilts to see if that helps!
Very helpful, concise and targeted information related to the hip. Thank you Shelly!
Thank you Shelly. Great tutorial!
Sherri Betz
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Shelly is magical with helping clients reduce hip popping and pain!
Thank you, the clarification on the contraindications with anterior/posterior approach was very helpful. Would love to learn more from you.
Very informative, wonderful advice for helping clients with discomfort in side lying.
Thank you for this!! I've been having issues with my hip "catching" and sometimes popping. I will try the pelvic tilt to neutral
This was very helpful. Thank you!
Jamie H
I prefer these short tutorials and find them to be informative and quick to the point. I find that I retain more information with the short clips.
1 person likes this.
SO helpful - as I've had this question from clients SO often about clicky hips and Gia told me to listen to your tutorial - these are fabulously helpful and quick to learn from! Thank you so much.
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