Neutral Spine Reformer<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 1855

Neutral Spine Reformer
Meredith Rogers
Class 1855

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One of my favorite to date.
Impecable, creative work.
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Beautiful flow to the class! You look beautiful too Meredith! I just loved the standing arm work. Thank you Meredith and PA!
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Great class. Wonderful transitions.
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Great class! I loved the floating pelvis during foot work. Also liked the external arm work. I have a sore rotator cuff, so this helped it a lot.
Michele M
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Wow loved it esp the standing series (loved the challenge:) Keep up the good work! Thank You
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I really enjoyed this class - love the sequencing and cueing!
1 person likes this.
This was an incredible class. Thank you for many new ideas!! You are a wonderful instructor!
Thanks Salpi! :)
Thanks Lita! Hope you are well.
Beautiful work! We need really stay present to execute this challenge class with control and flow! Thanks meredith.
11-20 of 30

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