Neutral Spine Reformer<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 1855

Neutral Spine Reformer
Meredith Rogers
Class 1855

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Thanks, Meredith!! The closing kneeling thoracic extension sequence: would you ever do that sequence standing?
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Meredith your teaching style makes this work out so easy to follow. Excellent class.
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Like you said we all know that you are not perfect but we all do know that you are a perfect instructor...I love how you talk to yourself sometimes. It always make me smile.
My goodness....I can't imagine how I have MISSED seeing all of this beautiful feedback until now! Shame on me and thanks to you all.
Pele...this one was especially for you!

Sabrina...I do the kneeling sequence standing all the time. :)
I am a certified STOTT Pilates Instructor (since 2012) and I'm also a high school Art & Spanish teacher (23 years). I know a thing or two about good teaching. You combine exceptional body awareness with outstanding pacing and instruction. Thank you ... you have a new loyal follower.
Wow Amy! What a wonderful piece of feedback. Thank you very much!
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Thank you!!!! Preceise, clear and always flowing, if we lived in the same country I would certainly come to you three times a week at least:)) maybe someday... Love from Istanbul.
Thank you, ZA! Perhaps you should come for a holiday in California...or...maybe someday I'll come to Istanbul.
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If and when I come you guys will be on the top of my list:) and if you come i promise you will have a blast;)
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