Theraband Intensity<br>Rael Isacowitz<br>Class 1894

Theraband Intensity
Rael Isacowitz
Class 1894

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Dear Zorica thank you so much. I wish you and EVERYONE on Pilates Anytime a very HAPPY and JOYS Holiday Season!
I loved this! Rael, you are fast becoming my favourite Pilates instructor!
Eliza , very much appreciated. Keep enjoying the classes.
Thank you Rael, as usual, your class is amazing, inspiring, and so helpfull to improve and spread my Pilates teaching.
Thank you ANNE-FRANCE TERNOIS I appreciate your support and lovely words. I wish you the best in spreading your teaching.
1 person likes this.
Rael and Ed are the best!
1 person likes this.
Difficult to do the class without looking at the screen all the time. The cueing was not adequate. Yes, his enthusiasm is inspiring, but is it enough in a platform like PA?
Tracey S
This was so great. The passion and enthusiasm had me smiling. I absolutely want to feel like a flamenco dancer - preferably every day. Thank you.
Tracey, keep smiling! Thanks for doing the class:)
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