Kathy Grant Inspired Mat<br>Kathy Corey<br>Class 202

Kathy Grant Inspired Mat
Kathy Corey
Class 202

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We're hoping to film Kathy again in April...
Thanks for the input.
Susie C
Hello from the UK. Wow - what an amazing class. What an inspiring lady who has just given me even more passion for Pilates. Thankyou Kathy
Wow, that was a wonderful class! Kathy's teachings are so accessible and even though I'm relatively new to Pilates, I can do the positions with confidence. I understand so much more with her classes. Thank you!!
Thank you, Kathy! I have a much deeper understanding of neutral pelvis! You convey the profound with simplicity. I love, love, love your teaching style. Inspiring!!!
1 person likes this.
Hi from Canada! So glad to have access to such great class
thank you Kathy and thank you Kisti so so apreciated
I feel great after this class and really enjoyed her style. The class was challenging and I would love to see more classes like this.
1 person likes this.
An absolutely amazing and wonderful class. With my long legs I am still struggling with my teasers even after years of training and teaching. This time, I floated up like it was nothing. Loved it!
1 person likes this.
This was simply wonderful Kathy! I live in Finland and have no hope of getting to your studio!
It was the simple things that made it for me! How will my clients feel when I teach them the teaser your way-Hopeful proud and confident and aligned!
More more more please! xxx
Loved the simple variations and emphasizes on keeping in with the philosophy of the great masters. Awesome cueing!
loved the class and the inspiration of movement and harmony more classes please.
11-20 of 30

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