Kathy Grant Inspired Mat<br>Kathy Corey<br>Class 202

Kathy Grant Inspired Mat
Kathy Corey
Class 202

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This is presently the most popular class on Pilates Anytime. We hope you enjoy it!
1 person likes this.
I Love her style of teaching! I wish I could have her as my teacher trainer.I love that she brings fun and a sense of humor to the class! Kathy is dynamic....
oh my goodness!! I loved working with Kathy..so gentle yet powerful!! I loved (hated) the bicycle up !!!! Thanks thanks thanks !!
1 person likes this.
Amazing class, please add more classes Kathy!
It is clear that she is a master. Any mentor program in the works or teacher training? Love Love Love this one. Thank you!
Jennifer Kathy does have a teacher training program. Here is a link to her website:
//www.kathycoreypilates.co m/certification.html
I really liked her use of imagery. It all flowed beautifully!
wonderful. can't wait to do it again. she is a genius.
We're talking to Kathy about filming her again... late Spring. She is fantastic!
Kathy is an amazing master trainer. thanks !
It would be great to have more of her classes.
1-10 of 30

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