Long Spine Mat<br>Michael King<br>Class 203

Long Spine Mat
Michael King
Class 203

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This is a wonderful and challenging class!
Amazing class, detailed explanation, great example how basic is challenging & beautiful!
Ann S
That was just awesome!! I loved the way the movements were slowed down and added together. It created a more precise, flowing, and mentally challenging movement. AND don't forget more physically challenging!!
A great challenging class, thank you.
Oh my gosh !! I am like a kid in a candy store...this workout is beautiful ! I especially loved the add-on towards the end...so calming !! thank you !!!
Outstanding cuing and analogies. Beautiful, slow, challenging movements. A reminder why we all love Pilates.
1 person likes this.
I agree Sherry! I was in class that day and was surprised at some of the beautiful simplicity, but yet how challenging that was. I love that!
Raymond Harris
A truly wonderful and flowing class. LOVED IT! Raymond Harris Syd Australia
I loved how he build the class from the very basic positioning to support the advanced moves!! Great class! Thank you!
1-10 of 58

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