Long Spine Mat<br>Michael King<br>Class 203

Long Spine Mat
Michael King
Class 203

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Andreea T
Great class. Thank you!
Amazing , great variations, just a feel awesome sequence thank you🙌🏻
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A special class
"Keep Pilates With You All Day"~ Michael King.  Great Advice from a Great Teacher. I can't tell you how much I enjoy Michael's Classes. Thanks Again:) 
1 person likes this.
Michael  I wrote to you 6 years ago ( oh my word!) on this forum. I just love your classes so much. If I need a pick me up in these trying times I just have to watch one of your classes. Hope this finds you well, healthy and happy. Stay safe.  
Tetiana  K
Thank you Michael. Great class I like fluidity and how you build the class from beginning to the end you one of my favourite.!
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