Long Spine Mat<br>Michael King<br>Class 203

Long Spine Mat
Michael King
Class 203

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The best . I want to be this good!
3 people like this.
I loved the class! Though, am not sure that is apropiate for a level 1 because of the level of control required for many exercises. I would say is more level 2 in my opinion.
Larysa K
Beautiful class! I love it ! This class I will take over and over again . Looking forward for new video from Michael. Thank you.
great class! the progression was excellent and different from what i am used to.
Beautiful, flowing class. As as beginner, I would suggest this class as a solid level 2 minimum as core strength/stability is needed to flow with proper alignment without collapsing. Gorgeous class.
Brilliant challenging class with excellent explanation and flow. Lovely choreographed movements. Looking forward to doing again and again
1 person likes this.
I agree - this is a great class and I love how he breaks down the exercises and intensifies subtle movement, always stressing control. I think this is pretty advanced stuff - but he gives the option to keep the movement at your level of ability. No one in the class took that option but I like how he made the point that each day you have to listen to your body anew and be honest about what it needs that day. Nice cues, not too much talking (just enough) and I appreciate that guy who was demonstrating - it was good to have a person demonstrating so the teacher could wander and teach. Great!
What a fantastic class thank you so much!!
Michael was back this weekend filming another couple of classes with us. We'll let you know when its time to put it up.
Absolutely brilliant class! Slow and controlled but really built up some wonderful heat. Thank you Michael and PA.
11-20 of 58

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