Stability Challenge Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2043

Stability Challenge Mat
Amy Havens
Class 2043

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Really really loved this class, lovely clear cueing and pace, the flow was great and like moving from side to teaser and back, again, will use some in my own classes I'm sure my student will love it as much as I did. Thank you .
Great class, lovely cueing and I love the ball. I use it all the time I'm my class to get connection , it really is a great tool.
Thanks Amy, by the end of the class it was much easier to get the flexion of my L spine. Teaser variation was hard!
Hi Anne.....wonderful to hear that!!! I love it! :) The Teaser is hard, no doubt about it, but as we know.....Pilates is a practice! :)
Really enjoyed this class.Nice variations with the Ball,will use it in my class
Loved this Class Amy
So yummy! No more flat tire back! Thank you, Amy! My spine and obliques are very happy!
Could do this class time and time again. Really love work with the overball but you did some really nice variations and your cueing brought more focus and precision. thank you so much.
I have a very flat spine and found this class amazing! Really appreciate the focus for those of us who are curve challenged.
Thank you all so much! As you can spine is tricky. It moves easily in some segments, and not so easily in others so anything I can do to share this with really my honor!
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