Reformer Box on the Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2087

Reformer Box on the Mat
Amy Havens
Class 2087

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Thanks Amy. I can see myself using the Box to help many of my clients. What a great idea. This is why I subscribe to this fantastic website. I feel as if I am attending the best workshop sessions at a Pilates Conference.
Such great options for mat class. Many thanks.
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I used the landing/stairs of my stairwell for the push up series and also for the inverted positions where your body was along the box and your arms were below on the floor PS: These inverted positions using the stairwell also help pregnant mamas rotate their babies when they are in less favorable positions. Not that I think anyone pregnant is taking this class...just wanted to share some of my midwifery expertise and mention that upper body strength has even more applications than perhaps you even knew about! :)
Thanks ladies! Please let me know if you are able to use some of this for yourself as regular Matwork.....and/or with yourself as prep on Reformer....or with clients! I've used this approach countless times with students and I've found so much reward in giving them the opportunity to do these first on the floor on the box...then up on Reformer. It's fun....and they feel successful. Makes me a happy teacher!!!
Hi Amy,

I do not have a reformer box but I do have are barrels! worked excellent...had to modify a little bit but it definitely gave me some new ideas for my mat classes.. Thank you!
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Real genius! thank you. Quick question: Amy I still have such problems with my hip flexors during teaser series - they inhibit me holding the position for extended periods - any suggestions please?
You have a really great way of describing what you are doing! I don't have a box and there were a few things that didn't work but there were other good options for the mat. I would love more mat classes using props to modify movements done on the apparatus. Always look forward to your classes!
Great ideas & transitions from mat to reformer
Thank you to look at the work in this way. If you choose to use some of these ideas with yourself and/or clients, let me know how it goes! :)
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Diane Jackett----one suggestion may be to keep your knees bent with a slight external rotation/the smallest frog you could do. Let your hip flexors really 'sit' in your sockets so you can focus on the deeper hip flexors and abs. Keep lengthening legs away and abs and spine up in opposition. But also know....we need strong hip flexors to hold the legs up in Teaser!!! They're going to work, they have to!!
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