Reformer Box on the Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2087

Reformer Box on the Mat
Amy Havens
Class 2087

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Great advice I will try it. Will work on strengthening too. Thank you for taking time to respond - appreciate it!
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Well now who would have thought! that was really an amazing class! and it just goes to show when you connect the mind to the muscle you're working you really can work it without any added resistance. I really felt the upper back in the pulling strap series. loved the side lying stuff and teaser too. Loved it all! Thank you again Amy for another great class.
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Hi Connie...! Yes---the mind/body connection :) Sometimes it's just nice to know we don't always have to do the same thing to get the same benefit. I love changing things up....based on the method. The slightest change, can bring the biggest 'Ah ha"!!
Loved this class and so did my clients, thank you Amy.
love love love this one...Amy, you kill it everytime... with your explanation, your sequencing, and your execution! Thank you so much. Can't wait to share this one!
Thank you Jodie and Jennifer! I think you two 'get me' !! :)'re so supportive of me and give me such clear feedback with my teaching. Thank you so much!! Let me know how your clients do with these ideas!
amazing!! this class gives clear understanding of the main purposes of each reformer exercise. now i have some ideas fo my beginner class to use their bodys more properly instead of just struggling with straps . thank you!
Soo creative!! Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful ideas. Can't wait to put these to use with my clients!
Thank you Jieun and Brook...happy to hear you saw my thinking here with this class! :)
Amazing class Amy- thank you. Love seeing what can be done with the familiar when set on different props. Always great to feel things in a new way, and I love your cueing and explanations of how it feels to you
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