Energetic Mat<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 2138

Energetic Mat
Kristi Cooper
Class 2138

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Christine Descher, I LOVE it when that happens! @ Tahmour and Theresa, I'm so glad you enjoyed your time in class with me!
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Thankyou Kristi, this inspired me to get through friday!
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Thanks Kristi, I love your continuous thinking out loud...makes me smile as I tend to do it too when I teach and clients get that insight in to how we're constantly learning and questioning how our bodies respond to Pilates thereby educating them that we're all different and not to be too hard on themselves. Great class!
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Thoroughly enjoyed it! Thank you!
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Love your teaching style x great workout ??
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Thank you for a wonderful class, a perfect way to start my Sunday
Zilla, I am certain my "thinking out loud" is both a blessing and a curse. Thank you for reminding me today that it has it's value! I really appreciate it.
I couldn't have loved this more! I love your variations and that you don't over tell me the moves rather show me! I love your style!!!
Always love Kristin's workouts and this one left me feeling the same way. My knowledge of Pilates continues to grow with Kristin's variations and cuing!
Thank you Katie adn PJBuffa! I really appreciate your feedback!
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