High-Engery Wunda Chair<br>Kathryn Ross-Nash<br>Class 2143

High-Engery Wunda Chair
Kathryn Ross-Nash
Class 2143

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Such a delightful young Lady demonstrating the exercises.
One cannot imagine Kathryn Ross Nash has come across many people with this young Lady's outstanding, ability.
After watching this Wunda Chair practice, it would seem that this piece of apparatus gives you all the ingredients that no other piece of the Classical Apparatus can, hence the reason Mr Pilates developed it for the Home Practitioner. The all in one with the Mat .

Kinney F
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FAB-U-LOUS! I just happen to have added a Wunda Chair in my living room as part of my furniture, so no excuses not to join in. Loved the Short Box, break down of the twists, the twist and reach in the One Arm Push Down, oh, and all the exercises seated in the chair. Actually, I loved it all and feel great and ready to go on with my day. Sequencing was KEY! Thanks for an excellent session!
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Such a fantastic session , wish I could train with you kathryn ross-nash, maybe some day....
Got a chair at home but not a wunda chair. hope to get a wunda chair in my living room soon.
The Mat- Colleen is AMAZING! i have been so blessed to have many wonderful instructors to work with.
lol yes Kinney ! I love that you actually have it in your living room!!!!!!!
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Wow! That was awesome, for so many reasons! First, anything with Kathy is amazing. I loved seeing the hands on help and the wonderful cueing and explanations on every move. I also have to give a lot of credit to Colleen, beautiful to watch! Let's have more Kathy!
thank you so much Sharon!!!!! Colleen is a gift!!!
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he vuelto a enamorarme de KR_N de su trabajo y de sus zapatos...She look better than ever.
Me likey! Truly fun!
Yeah! i LOVE that you had fun!!
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