Proprioception Challenge<br>Cecile Bankston<br>Class 2147

Proprioception Challenge
Cecile Bankston
Class 2147

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Great variations and love the split pedal footwork with rotation!
What a great class! It's very challenging and a nice pace that keeps you moving the entire time. I really liked the variations and proprioceptive challenges.
Elaine Clayton
Love the chair! Thanks for the variations! I will use them with my more advanced clients.
LIKE! and great work to your student! more more more!
Learned some nice new moves. I like it a lot. Would have liked to know what springs he had on for all the exercises.
Fabulous workout! I loved all the balance and rotation work. Beautifully done by both teacher and student.
Theresa L
Love this class. Just did it for the second time. Thank you so much for the challenges. I love the Wunda Chair!
My favourite part was when Taylor pointed out the Dolphins playing in the sea. Made it extra magic.
Hey Cecile! Where have you been? I love your work, where did you disappear to? I did this class again, it was so fun. Hope to see you back soon !
I would love to come back!! Thank you for taking the class and I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
11-20 of 27

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