Express Magic Circle<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2279

Express Magic Circle
Amy Havens
Class 2279

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Interesting movement like dancing with magic circle :) thank you, Amy!
Ayelet K
Fun, great class! Thank you Amy for the detailed instructions!
Thanks happy you enjoyed this standing class and yes Hwanii, it is like dancing with magic circle. :)
Jamie H
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Thank you for providing various techniques that the magic circle can be used for. I have tried the magic circle for my shoulders , but I am never sore nor feel that I am doing the exercises correctly. I am excited to try this circle for other exercises now. After watching this, I feel that I have a better grasp and am hoping to enhance my toning.
Hi Jamie, let me know if you had additional questions with anything related to the Magic Circle. It's a wonderful prop and quite useful to deepening the internal connections in our bodies. Glad you enjoyed it.
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I love this class, thank you so much Amy 😊🙏🏻
Glad you enjoyed this class Darren! Thank you for leaving a comment!
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Amy you are welcome, I keep coming back to this and have added in some of your moves into my ring class and they love them too. Been doing a number of your classes on here 😊
Glad to hear you've been able to use some of the material for your classes! Thank you!
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Excelente clase.
21-30 of 54

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