Think Outside the Box<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2346

Think Outside the Box
Amy Havens
Class 2346

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Awsome hip work
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So nice! Like, Like, Like !
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Thanks Amy for another great class. Love the arm work and standing lunge sequence.
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I miss your teaching and energy. So grateful for Pilatesanytime bringing me this connection even though I am so far away. Thank you Amy. Aloha
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Great work, Amy, thank you!
ps. In my former life I was a pattern and color stylist- love the print on the capris :)
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bananas! love - off to make a platform for my reformer!!!! thank you Amy...and PA Haven't said it in awhile, but this website is the best investment I have made in my Pilates career! xoxoxo
Thank you all so much for your comments and feedback!! I love hearing from you and really appreciate your honest words. Thank you~~~
the first set of core excercses I felt I was unable to hold my core successfully.. am I doing something wrong? felt like I was doming odly, and more back work how can I fix that
Hi Heidi....can you be more specific -- which exercises or what minute marker? I'd like to address your question, but would like more clarity. Thanks!
Outstanding class :)) Lots of challenge for the core stability, delightful stretches... Oh, and i loved the creativity too ! Thanks a lot, Amy :))
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