Think Outside the Box<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2346

Think Outside the Box
Amy Havens
Class 2346

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3 people like this.
Thank you Amy - always enjoy your creativity of movement sequences! Love outside the "box" work. For the seated pull up sequence - I do that standing inside the well back against the risers - as I don't have a standing platform. Thanks again!
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Very creative thank you Amy.
Michele M
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Wow love your creativity Amy! Especially the twists:) Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Just got back into town and this lovely class was waiting for me. Thank you Amy! love it!
1 person likes this.
Thank you Amy. Some beautiful variations there. I really enjoyed this lesson and your calm and encouraging delivery.
2 people like this.
Really nice Amy! Loved all of the single arm work especially facing front and rotating. I do not have the platform so I just placed my foot on the side of the reformer when doing the adductor work & it seemed to work just fine. Thank you for reminding me to aim my tailbone down when we were doing the straps on thighs ab work. I know there were so many more things about this class I loved and I can't remember them all. Thank you!
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Very nice, wore me out.
Valya Karcher
What a delightful and challenging workout. Lots of new moves! Thank you, Amy!
Flippin' awesome! Thank you,Amy! Always love your classes.
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FYI, I didn't realize it at the time, but, I used some muscles I never knew I had...awesome!
1-10 of 40

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