Improve your Splits<br>Cara Reeser<br>Class 2374

Improve your Splits
Cara Reeser
Class 2374

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Hugs and Love back Heikki.
1 person likes this.
Loved it! You are an amazing instructor! Love the cues!
1 person likes this.
OMG, I think I need therapy, I am a CARA REESER groupie!!! awesomeness!!
Thank you Amy and Jean. Happy to have you enjoying.
Happy Holidays.
Great class Cara, thank you.
Thank you Cara. Never used the therabands on the reformer. Great idea. Also, loved the selection of exercises to really focus on the back of the legs. Thank you.
thanks for the "love, joy and awareness," Cara, nice class
great class ... wish it was longer, but I'll look for more of your work!
flipping awesome!
11-20 of 33

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