Improve your Splits<br>Cara Reeser<br>Class 2374

Improve your Splits
Cara Reeser
Class 2374

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love a sweaty short class, thank you Cara!! Also, loved the Gondola explanation which wasn't covered in my certification. How long are the poles?
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loved great to set the body for a couple apex moves!!! thank you thank you
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Hi. . . I always appreciate a different perspective. Thanks! Just a note. . . please make sure you reference what springs to use. It's helpful for those of us in the audience or participating at home.
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Always love Cara's approach to the exercises and the variations that inform them. Smart cues and wonderful energy. Thanks, PA and Cara!
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So awesome! I only have you side eye a few times
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This was awesome!!!!!
Jennifer W
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I get more out of this every time! Love you Cara

Sweat a lot for the splits and squats controlling the "car". Nice way to engage de legs using the bands . So good ! Thanks my dear teacher Cara Reeser
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Thanks you Felipe Macabeli I will see you soon. hugs..
Loved this, Cara Reeser Cara. Thank you so much for the happy, open, Christmas hips. Great release before an entire afternoon/evening of sitting with family. xo Merry Christmas, everyone.
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