Standing Spinal Mobility<br>Ken Gilbert<br>Class 2428

Standing Spinal Mobility
Ken Gilbert
Class 2428

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Wonderful! I need to do this every day. I am so tight in my sides from having a toddler on one of my hips all the time. This is THE practice I need to do. Thanks a lot!
Viola . . . thank you for your comments. Play with the "lift and lengthen" cues to help you decompress your hip joints at the head of the femor and into your lumbar and sacrum.

Check out my earlier classes using the green strap, stick, etc.

Let me know how this goes!
That was an amazing workout ! I am having a lot of problems in my neck and upper trapezius , they have a habit of lifting and need to work on my stabilisers . I also loved the seated part of the class and l also enjoyed your sense of humour ! I will be looking at more of your classes . Thanks
Jacqueline . . . thank you for your comments! The habit of neck compression and overactive trapezius is a chronic issue for many. In 2016 I am addressing opposing forces and playing with passive/active engagement. My suggestion: take a look at my tutorial on the mid-line/plumb-line. Then, email me with how you notice your engagement of neck and shoulders. With the activation of opposing forces you can recondition this part of your body to find better stabilization. Let me know: .
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Wow. My needy shoulder says thanks and my muscles ouahhhouhh.
Thanks for this great towel class, well explained and demonstrated.
And thanks for having slown down a little bit your speaking speed. Much better for my poor blond brain and english level.
Vimi . . . I am thrilled to hear that you are opening up and releasing your neck stiffness. Thank you!
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Claudia . . . thank you! This was an extraordinary experience as the students are from China except my wife on the front left and Jane, an extraordinary student at 84 years on the front right. I love your appreciation of my "slowing down".
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Amazing!!! I really enjoy your lesson and I am looking forward on other. I like exercises with towel and this is really helpfull. For me great inspiration... :)
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Outstanding class!! Feeling tall and aligned after this wonderful movement experience. Thank you!
Katerina . . . thank you for your comments. The towel is a great prop to assist in experiencing opposing forces that create the "lift" out of gravity . . . great for decompressing the spine (particularly the lumbar).
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