Standing Spinal Mobility<br>Ken Gilbert<br>Class 2428

Standing Spinal Mobility
Ken Gilbert
Class 2428

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Irene . . . thank you. You describe the quality of experience that I intent to teach in my Pilates Classes..
wow! Love the party tricks. :) That diamond teaser. And your demonstration of how people use their head to walk is spot on, too. I need to look up more on the "serratus" (sp?) Thank you, Ken!
Kaye F
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OMG I think Ive grown three inches!!! Thank you that was brilliant.
Thank you Ken. xo
Kaye . . . thank you for letting me know! My teaching focus for 2016 has evolved from the Mid-line/Plumb-line/Halo focus of 2015 into teaching from an awareness of creating and developing the relationship of opposing forces in the body through "active/passive" work in the spine and appendages.
Intended to enhance strength and agility throughout

And, decompressing the spine to feel taller is an great outcome!
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Kristi . . . thank you for the opportunity to teach, serve, and learn from this glorious community of Pilates Practitioners and Teachers!
Awesome Class! I could feel my serratus. I think I am two inches taller??
loved this class I immediately stole exercises for my students
in hopes to create a even clearer connection to the serratus
which they could feel but were quite challenged
Thank you
Karen . . . great to hear about your serratus connection! The serratus was my primary focus in my classes and sessions evolving over the past year. This connection lifts and moves the rib cage separate from the pelvis.
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