Quick Reformer Flow<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 2453

Quick Reformer Flow
Meredith Rogers
Class 2453

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1 person likes this.
Efficient and meaningful workout! Thank you, Meredith. 35 minutes is a perfect length for a "quick" excellent workout.
Michele M
1 person likes this.
Love this practice!! The spine stretch was unique and awesome! Thanks Meredith:)
1 person likes this.
Really enjoyed this class. Definitely have to work on my breast stroke.
1 person likes this.
Just what I needed. Wow.... thank you Meredith!
Thank you ALL so much! I appreciate you comments and thanks for playing with me.
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Can't wait to try this tomorrow!
1 person likes this.
Perfect workout
I added a few extras at the end because i had a little more time
I love that you were talking to us and actually took the time to tell us the springs you were using , thats the first workout on here that has done that and i dint have to stop pause and figure it out
Thankyou ??????????
Thank YOU for taking class, Heather.
I will try to continue to be mindful of spring description in the future.
1 person likes this.
Wonderful workout. Quick moving, concise instructions, great stretching and ab work. Marked as favorite
Excellent cuing as always - thanks, Meredith!

11-20 of 38

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