Quick Reformer Flow<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 2453

Quick Reformer Flow
Meredith Rogers
Class 2453

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2 people like this.
Teaching points very clear ...love your work
2 people like this.
Thanks Meredith! What an awesome workout. It features some movements that I really need to work on. I was really struggling on that rollover, but I will practice! This will make for a great addition to my early morning 30 min pre-work Pilates Anytime playlist. Thanks so much!
3 people like this.
Thank you Meredith! I really enjoy your classes. This one was just the right practice for me today as I needed a short and sweet :) one. Your instructions are very clear and I love your creative exercises. Thanks again!
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Thank you Meredith! You rock! :)
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Awesome! Quick but so efficient....love it! I just absolutely love your cue about gum on the bottom of the foot I use it all the time and my people love it. Thank you thank you thank you!
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I Love your Workouts !!! Many thanks !!!????????
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I am struggling to get my equipment work in and this helps to know others do also. Thank you!
Love your style always! Perfect class
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2 people like this.
Fabulous quick and challenging workout! Body feels fantastic :) Thank you Meredith! Love your classes!
1-10 of 38

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