Rib Cage Placement<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 2456

Rib Cage Placement
Niedra Gabriel
Class 2456

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Lovely class. Clear, detailed instruction and great executing.
Love your work
Loved watching to see what you choose to focus on! Great class.
Niedra Gabriel
Thankyou all for sharing your comments. I love Jennifer and she is a joy to work with, I am glad you enjoyed the session as well.
so informative-- watching a two Pilates teachers play. Would be nice to see a real client.
Thank You very much for your class!
Love your haircut Niedra... and of course love your teaching xx but you should know that by now ?? great work ladies
Niedra Gabriel
I am having a good laugh here Anita - it is really all about " the hair" right? thanks for the post.
great class Niedra, I really enjoy your teaching style
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Daniel - I just looked at your bio - 20 plus years with pilates and daily practice - you are one professional ! good work.
1-10 of 14

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