Agility and Stability Mat<br>Ed Botha<br>Class 2634

Agility and Stability Mat
Ed Botha
Class 2634

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An excellent challenge!
This class was fab, great post holiday pilates to get me back on the mat, love your classes, thanks!
Angela S
Thank you Ed, I loved this and can't wait to try some of these moves in my class. From your fellow South African!
Thanks for your excellent quality cueing and well structured class!
This is my pilates! Thank you for doing it - it confirms I'm doing ok as an instructor
What a brilliant class ! Excellent cueing ! I love your presence!
Thank you
Great workout on a home sick day
Guess I wasn't ready for level 3...I now have a bulging disc in my neck from the downward dog push ups....thought I was pretty strong and fit...but not for that. Heard it pop during the push up. I am on the mend and I will be back.
I am sorry to hear about your neck Jennifer. Heal up well. Hope to have you back on the mats soon again!
I really like the pace of this class and the flow!!!
21-30 of 55

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