Having taken courses from Cara and Jeremy before, I was excited to see this here! Some of it was new and some a refresher that just seemed to sink in and make more sense this time around
This morning after watching the videos last night, I had a regular student come for her weekly private - a spunky 72-year-old. She said to me this morning - 'sometimes I am just not sure where my scapula should be?' I wanted to check out in the hall and see if Jeremy and Cara were there and had primed her with this question!! I told her about the cape, we did some wall exercises and talked about the rotation of her arm bones and she got it! She left today and said - I am going home to put on a real cape and practice! I just love when what I learn has practical application, and is easy to share and easy to comprehend by students and teachers alike! Thank you for an informative and useful workshop!
Hi Lisa ! I'm glad you enjoyed the workshop. I misspoke - the "handout" is really just a list of references. I thought it was available for download when you watch the workshop, but I don't see it. If you want to email me at info@movementsciencemadesimple.com, I'll send it to you!