Brett's Morning Mat<br>Brett Howard<br>Class 2886

Brett's Morning Mat
Brett Howard
Class 2886

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Thanks for sharing. I loved the side bend with the long legs together.
Hey Brett! Fabulous class, thank you! :)
Great pace and nice tips for the morning stretches.
Lorie H
Thank you Brett. I too need a functional, medicinal morning start before working all day. I enjoyed your personal additions to the classical order.
Great class Brett. Thank you ☺️☺️
Brett, my morning started a little later than normal today- I was delighted to simply focus on me! Your class was just what I needed today. Thank you 😊
Thank you! You are far more supple than me in the ams!! But I still loved it and am huffing and puffing :D I like your signature "And 5....... more times."
Die, love handles, DIE! :) Thank you for the great start to my day!
Favorite 25 minute mat class so far.
Awesome thanks for sharing! 🙌
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