Day 1: Discovery<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 3010

Day 1: Discovery
Kristi Cooper
Class 3010

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I did this one in beteen my classes and it is amazing to be told what to do and think only about my own body not my clients. Thank you Kristi for this one and see you tomorrow for my in beteen classes break.
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Thanks Kristi from the UK - I really like your take on the moves, they help me inform my practice too. I also appreciated the second camera angle and finally, I love your patterned leggings!!
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I am feeling re charge :)
It's funny, once you start it gets so much easier to just do it again! So glad you are all here with me. Ania Wojtera, the pants are made by ONZIE.
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Thanks it was hard to get started and motivated after a days work but already feeling better
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Thank you Kristi Cooper , looove the basics since I've been traveling a lot in the last couple of months, this challenge it's just what I need! (So hard to do the first pelvic curl..)
Thank you Kristi Cooper i am studying for my level 3 a & p test to be a pilates tutor. That was just what i need to distress.
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thanks for the timely challenge- short and sweet with emphasis on commitment!
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Just want to say that was not easy, with a lot of huffing and puffing on my part--LOL!, but I felt refreshed when I finished. I believe I am going to do these challenges every other day, but will do this one again in 2 days, then onto #2. I think my body likes it!! Thanks from Cape Coral, FL. -db
❤️Thank you Kristi- moving forward to teach my classes
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