Balance is Key<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3050

Balance is Key
Amy Havens
Class 3050

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3 people like this.
This is super Amy, I learned so much about successful hip set up- so helpful- I'm set up!! Thank yo so much!
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Wonderful Helen , glad this class gave you some extra guidance! :)
1 person likes this.
Thank you Amy for the wonderful class. Yes, my leg used to go up higher too!
Christine ... ah, those were the good ole days, right?!! So glad you're here!
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Balancing really helps me to engage my core, thanks!
Thank you Laura , yes, it does!
2 people like this.
Perfect experience to use the smaller proprioceptive muscles.
Even Pilates Instructors can be unexpectedly bitten in the calf muscle by a dog. You gave me hope today. Thank you.
Kathleen -- yes!! :)
Have to get caught up on these wonderful classes, have been on vacation:)! Can't wait to incorporate into my Pilates & Barre classes.
2 people like this.
Another lovely class Amy. The movements, balance challenge and pace are perfect! Thanks a lot :))
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