Balance is Key<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3050

Balance is Key
Amy Havens
Class 3050

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Thank you Elayne Connery and Anne P. !!
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Thank you Amy! Love this! This was a great experience and I take some parts for a balance warm up!
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Only 1 to go. I am traveling next week so I am bringing my props and doubling up on this series! This series will help improve my Pilates practice. Thanks Amy!!
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Thank you Ira !! Elizabeth -- YES!! Look at you bringing your props and doubling up, this makes me smile!! I'm so happy you've been with me in the challenge. See you after class #10!!!!
Sue B
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Hi Amy Havens , thank you for this really useful balance class. Found the set up cues really helpful and the balance moves great not only for my pilates but also to use in my balance / falls prevention group .Fab .
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Ahhh my inner dancer! I've always wanted to be a ballet dancer and really wish someone had pushed me or inspired me to do it. Actually took ballet as a young girl and the teacher told my mom "she's too awkward". Wonder what that woman's doing today! ! I just watched a video on Isabella Boylston right before doing this class so iwas doing a lot of dreaming in my head. That was really lovely thank you Amy
Yes Sue --- lots of great bits here to use for most movement classes!! Connie --- yes, your inner dancer!!! ;)
Michael Mary S
It's amazing how these slow, deliberate movements really challenge your balance and work every muscle. As usual, this was a great class. I can't wait to try some of the balance ideas with my older adult mat class since balance is really issue with these students.
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Loved all the work in the foot, legs, hips, and arms!
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One word! Bootybarre! Lol ... or Bbarreless!
This whole class reminded me of the fundamentals I teach. I love the glute med reference to keep the hips in neutral and laterally. Using passe and knee extension was a great comparison with balance. I'm always teaching my students how to balance by centering the body through the spine from the crown to the heels. I see them lengthen, watch their posture improve and the grand battements get higher!
Excellent info to focus in parallel and in a Pilates "V". Fantastic cues and focus points! I love your insight!
Holding the moves was a challange because I fell over a few times. My spine felt longer amd my core active. I used 3lbs weights for the first half and it was too much. Burn burn burn!
This is a class worth practicing over and over again! Ty again, Amy Havens
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